Family Owned Coupon Policy

Manufacturer and Store Coupons:

  1. Coupons are redeemable only by a customer purchasing the specific brand(s) and product(s) stated on the coupon.
  2. Coupons must be presented at the time of the transaction.
  3. Coupons are subject to advertised offer limitations and all other limitations and restrictions on coupon.
  4. Coupons cannot be applied against the free item received in any offer where a customer buys one or more items to get one or more items free.
  5. Coupon amount may be reduced so that any combined discounts and coupons do not exceed the value of the item.
  6. The transaction amount may not fall below zero value, meaning we will not give the customer money back.
  7. Coupons have no cash value.
  8. Family Owned Markets will accept valid manufacturer coupons that display another retailer’s logo or name.
  9. Family Owned Markets will accept Catalina manufacturer coupons that are issued to a customer by another retailer.
  10. The coupon must have an expiration date and be presented within valid dates.
  11. Coupons are void if they appear distorted or blurry, are altered in any way or copied.
  12. All sales taxes are paid by the customer at the full value of the item.
  13. Family Owned Markets reserves the right to refuse any coupons at its discretion.
  14. All store coupons may be printed from the Family Owned Markets website or Facebook page or this store’s website or Facebook page.

Internet Printed Coupons:

  1. The manufacturer and store coupon rules above apply to all internet printed coupons.
  2. Internet printed coupons must scan at checkout, have serial numbers and follow an industry-standard format.
  3. Manufacturer internet printed coupons must clearly indicate that they are a manufacturer coupon and have a valid manufacturer address on the printed coupon.
  4. Family Owned Markets will not accept “free product” or “buy one get one free” internet printed manufacturer coupons.
  5. Family Owned Markets will accept internet printed coupons for $3.00 or less.

Double Coupons:

  1. Family Owned Markets doubles manufacturer’s coupons up to face value of $0.50; with the total amount not to exceed $1.00 or entire retail of the item.
  2. Coupons for “free” items, Family Owned Markets coupons, Catalina coupons, internet coupons and coupons for milk and tobacco items are excluded from the double coupon policy.
  3. Family Owned Markets does not allow a customer to redeem two or more manufacturer’s coupons against the same item in a single transaction.
  4. Family Owned Markets will not double manufacturer coupons that state, “Do not double.”
  5. A customer may present a doubled manufacturer coupon along with a Family Owned Markets store coupon for the same item.
  6. Family Owned Markets will double up to four of the same alike coupons as long as the customer purchased the items to go along with the coupons. If the customer purchases the fifth item and has the fifth coupon, the fifth coupon will be taken at face value.

Self CheckOut Coupons:

  1. At our Self Checkouts, coupons may only be entered for redemption by the on duty attendant.
  2. The same coupon policies for redemption as above will apply at all Self Checkouts.